Jamie Hogan
Jamie Hogan is an award-winning illustrator, educator, author, and biker living three miles out to sea. She grew up in the White Mountains of New Hampshire and earned a BFA in Illustration from the Rhode Island School of Design. Her illustrations have appeared in books and magazines as well as winning merit from the Maine Advertising Club, the 3 x 3 Illustration Annual, American Illustration, PRINT Magazine, Graphis, and the Society of Illustrators.
She is the author and illustrator of Skywatcher and Seven Days of Daisy, as well as the illustrator of a dozen books for children and adults. She illustrated Rickshaw Girl by Mitali Perkins, winner of the Jane Addams Peace Association Award, named on the New York Public Library’s list of 100 Best Books, and now a motion picture.
Jamie taught courses in the BFA Illustration program and Continuing Studies at Maine College of Art & Design in Portland from 2003 to 2018. She is currently a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators and the Maine Writers and Publishers Alliance.
Since 1992, Jamie has lived on Peaks Island with her husband, Marty Braun, and daughter, Daisy. An avid motorcyclist and sketchbook keeper, she draws inspiration from moonlight, reflections, pink clouds, wishing on the first star, and the raw beauty that is Maine.